Set Design

I have always been fascinated with the idea of creating my own set, whether this is due to my love for musicals or the theatre I have always wanted to create a set that is produced by me and showcases my art. So for my degree show, I want to create a set where I create a domestic environment the audience can walk in and out of like the art of film itself being able to play and pause at your own doing you can walk in and out with free will bringing you into one world to the next. However, before I create this set I needed to know more to truly figure out the impact I want to play on the viewer.
Set design spoke to me due to it being a multi-media experience; like my art, it looks at all areas. In an article, I read titled ‘Past. Present and Future: Set Design’ Stephy Mary states “Set design involves diverse work as it plays around with fashion, trend, research, capturing the essence, knowing history, replicating or recreating spaces and objects from the past when needed, sketching, graphical illustration, and involves product designing. Set designers work with every medium possible.”. Due to this, it made me believe a set would be best for my installation not only due to it capturing all mediums perfectly but due to a set being like an escape from the real world allowing one to forget about their worries and troubles. It’s also this idea of a set being temporary like life a set doesn’t last forever so it can create a larger impact on an audience.